What we Believe
My journey with Jesus
I don't remember the first time I heard the story of Jesus. My parents told me the good news of Jesus before I could walk. At the age of five I realized that being in a pastor's home, and knowing about Jesus, did not make me a Christian. It was one evening sitting in my bed, with my parents beside me, that I prayed to Jesus and confessed my sin to Him.
In Jr High I knew that I was going to be in full time ministry. I didn't know what that would look like. I knew that God had not called me to be in ministry as an adult. God had called me to be in ministry immediately. I have been sharing the story of Jesus as often as I could ever since.
I studied Communication at Bob Jones University in Greenville SC. This was an important part of my life. Not only did I learn about Communication, but I took as many theology classes as I could.
God is still teaching me more every day.