Book Review for "Sustaining Faith"
Last summer I read Unyielding Hope by Jenette and Laurel Oke. I blogged about it here. This summer I was given the chance to read part two of the series, Sustaining Faith.
I was provided the book courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

The day the book arrived I started reading it. Everyone had gone to bed for the night, and I thought I would read a few chapters before going to bed. I couldn't put the book down and finished at one in the morning!
Sustaining Faith continues the story of Lillian and Grace as they navigate the rules and bylaws of the children's society.
Although the story is fiction it is based on the historical time in Canada when orphans were shipped to Canada to be placed in families. Unfortunately, many people were not looking for children to raise, but free help for their farms. Many children were abused through this system.
Lillian and Grace bend rules to try and help children at risk of being hurt. One young man named Ebenezer bends the rules too far, putting everyone at risk.
I have been a foster parent, and I am an adoptive parent. I know that even today many of the rules put in place to keep children safe can actually stop them from being placed in good loving homes. When to bend rules is still a question today.
But what happens if the Children's Society becomes corrupt? What happens if the people making the rules don't care what happens to the children?
You will want to read both of these books! The only problem is that I don't want to wait another year to read the next book and find out what happens next!